Pesto Pinwheels

Are you guys ready for Christmas? It’s only about a week away! Just one week! Where did the time go? I am so glad to say that I finished my Christmas shopping and only had to go out to the mall one time for just two small gifts. Everything else was online. What did we do before Amazon?

Now that shopping is out of the way, I can focus on yummies like these pesto pinwheels. Why is pesto so amazing? I want to put on everything that ever existed. Is that weird? While I love that it’s cookie season, I always think of this time of year as appetizer season because of all the parties! You can never have enough appetizer recipes, especially easy ones like this! Pastry puff pinwheels are really simple and you can do so many different types of filling. For these pesto pinwheels, you only need a few ingredients and if you want to make it really quick and easy, you can always use your favorite pre-made pesto!

To get the recipe, head over to My Cooking Spot

Pesto Pinwheels