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Your search for "peach" returned 49 results:
You know what I love on a Friday? A good cocktail. You know what else I love? A good cocktail that also doubles as a frozen treat. Yes, these are two things...
I think about really weird things when I watch tv or movies. I think about things that really don’t have any importance to the storyline, it’s just stuff that crosses my mind....
Yes, I am still alive over here! Sorry for being a bad blogger. My mom and little brother came to visit us and we kept very busy. Although my husband and I...
2012, where did you go ? You just seemed to fly on by. 2012 was a pretty busy year for me. I finished my dissertation and got my Ph.D.. and then moved...
It’s Skinny Bitch Tuesday!! It was my turn this week to pick out the recipe and I decided to go for a dessert since we haven’t done a Skinny Bitch dessert yet!...
It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Fridayyyy…J/K Hopefully you all have some fantastic plans for Cinco de Mayo this weekend. Me? Well, as you know, I am chained to my desk...