Homemade Pumpkin Applesauce

What is it about applesauce that makes it so enjoyable as an adult? I usually only crave it when I am not feeling well, but I always have a jar in the fridge because I like to use it in my baking quite often. But lately, I just want to eat tons of plain unsweetened applesauce. Perhaps it’s the change of season? I think fall has officially arrived in Phoenix so the average temperature is now like 95 as opposed to 105…sigh….I will say though that just as a side note, I replanted my basil plant since the last one was killed in the summer heat, and it is really thriving now so yayyyay!

Though I always have a jar in my fridge, there is really nothing better than homemade applesauce. First, it makes your entire house smell amazing while it’s cooking and second, you don’t have to worry about any other weird ingredients. This pumpkin applesauce is the perfect version to eat for the season! It’s perfectly tart from the apple, bursting with pumpkin flavor with a hint of vanilla! I don’t add sugar to mine, I think it’s sweet enough on it’s own, but you could always add sugar if desired. Like my homemade pumpkin pie spice, this applesauce would also make a wonderful gift for friends and family this season!

Homemade Pumpkin Applesauce

Oh, and I just realized that I haven’t yet posted any fun Halloween recipes. I’m sorry, you guys know I love it! I have a few recipes up my sleeve and will post them soon!

To grab the recipe for my pumpkin applesauce, visit My Cooking Spot!

Homemade Pumpkin Applesauce