Chicken Marsala
Yesterday, I turned 30. THIRTY. That’s insane. And to celebrate, I spent the last part of my nice evening dealing with this site crashing. There are apparently some issues with the server this site is on and until my host can get it fixed, you may continue to notice the site going in and out. I’m very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Ok, enough housekeeping.
Whenever I make a new recipe for the first time, my kitchen looks like a bomb went off after I’m done. Dishes and utensils all over the place (why did I need to go through 5 forks to make quick meal?!). I can’t even tell you what a mess I made after making this Chicken Marsala. Total disaster.
But, it was totally worth it because this chicken dish is delish! I want to pour the Marsala wine sauce over pretty much everything. So flavorful!
To grab the recipe, visit My Cooking Spot.
13 Comments on “Chicken Marsala”
Happy Birthday! I do remember when I turned 30, and 31…and after that I seriously have trouble remembering how old I am… (I’m close to 40 for sure haha). Enjoy being 30s! And sorry to hear about site issue. I hate when it happens. Hopefully it’s all fixed now. It looks ok so far. I haven’t made chicken marsala for at least like 3 years now. I am giong to check the recipe and try it soon!
Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day (other than your computer/site issues). 30 is such a milestone… wish I could go back to thirty.. but I’m way over that hill. LOL!!
Love this chicken dish… never tried to make marsala before. Now it’s on my list. :)
Thanks for reminding me of one of my favorite fall comfort foods! Your marsala looks mouthwatering!
This looks gorgeous and absolutely delicious, Stephanie!
Happy Birthday!! Your chicken marsala looks superb!
Happy, happy birthday! Love this dish…I need to add it to our menu soon.
PS…we may be using the same host. Ugh…such an irritation!
This is one of those dish, I love eating. I might whip it up soon, thanks for a great dinner idea.
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday dear! I wish you all of the best and the most beautiful a life can offer! :)
Also, the dish looks delicious! Well done. Hopping over to check out the recipe!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have many, many more!
Happy belated birthday! Sorry for the site troubles, they can be so frustrating!
Definitely need to check out this recipe!
Wow, this is making me hungry! What would you recommend in place of Marsala wine?
Hi Tess, the marsala wine is really the star of this dish. If you don’t want to use it, you can maybe try a sherry or a sweeter red wine, but I have not tried those with this recipe.